Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Welcome to January

Hello Blog:

I seem to have a real tough time actually composing entries for this blog. Oh well.

A few items out of my mail bag:

1) Are you interested in cultural and religious diversity - or do you just need a reason to celebrate everyday? If so, may I recommend Earth Calendar at

Its a web calendar that will show you what national and religious holidays happen to fall on today's date.

For example today is January 17, 2006 and the Earth Calendar tells me that it is Ati-Atihan Festival in the Phillipines. Combine that with software such as "AnswerBar" which allows you to alt click on a word to learn more about it and you can learn that Ati-Atihan is

The festival is held on the third week of January every year in Kalibo in the Aklan province on the island of Panay. The festival is to celebrate the arrival or gift of the Santo NiƱo by Magellan to the native Queen of Cebu in 1521 and is marked by frenzied merriment on the streets very similar to the Mardi Gras celebration in Brazil. - Source: Wikipedia

As I said if you have an interest in Diversity, have an interest in the world around you, need a reminder of local affairs, or just need a reason to go out and celebrate somethig, anything, look the day up on EarthCalendar and if you need an explanation, look it up in Wikipedia or Pretty cool net toy, don't you think.

BTW: The EarthCalendar tells me that tommorow (1/18/06) is still the Ati-Atihan festival plus it is also Revolution Day in Tunisia, Lima Foundation Week in Peru, and something called Maintenance Day in the United States of America. so get out there and to that routine maintenance you have been procrastinating on! :)


Along the lines of learning more about the world around you, how well do you know your world flags? You may want to brush up before the Winter Olympics next month. A friend of mine sent me this link:

It's a cute little game that tests your knowledge of world flags. I thought I had a good grasp on world flags, this little game prooved otherwise.


Now that we have had time to settle in on our New Year, why not let the kind folks at Jib Jab entertain you with Bush's Year In Review, just go to and click on 2-0-5.


Now on the coaster news scene, after all this is a coaster blog.

We can be thankful that Six Flags has decided to NOT follow through on their plans to eliminate the practice of re-entry. It seemed for about a week the buzz in Coaster Land was that the new owners of Six Flags were going to discontinue the practice of allowing customers to get their hand stamped so they could re-enter the park for free. Six Flags claimed it would boost attendance by improving park capacity (and when is the last time you were turned away from a Six Flags park because it was full?). The more cyncial amongst us beleive it had everything to do with turning you into a captive audience so you had to buy their low quality over priced food.



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