Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Monday, December 19, 2005

Shameless Plug: Monday Night Roller Coaster Chat

Shameless Plug: Monday Night Roller Coaster Chat

Are you fascinated by roller coasters and amusement parks? Well, I have just the thing to help ease you through the off season. Every Monday night I co-host a roller coaster live internet chat. Chat hours are typically 8PM-1AM (Eastern Standard Time) on Monday nights. Our chat is on the IRC protocol so you will need to install an IRC client such as mIRC, MS Chat, or Trillian. Once you have that installed, go to (if you are using a command line based IC client the command is “ /SERVER” once on the server you can connect to our channel by enterig the command “/JOIN #roller-coaster”

Hope to see you there!


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